Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Family of Casa Victoria

Today we visited Casa Victoria, a 100 year old house purchased by one of the mayor's daughters to be used as a community center in one of the rougher parts of Quito. Bill gave us an orientation which included a very relaxed version of the work for the day. We appreciated his laid back attitude and focus on the principles of Jesus as he welcomed us into the family. Six of us helped organize library books by gluing in the checkout cards and writing in the donor's name. This library will be the FIRST library in all of Ecuador that will allow books to be removed from the building! The other team members broke into teams to paint the terrace and the children's jungle room, wash windows, and paper mache' bookshelves for the classrooms.

We worked alongside a group from Santa Barbara and had a chance to worship and pray with about 30 people who were involved in rennovating the house. It's amazing how small the world seems when we speak in one voice to Jesus through song!

Steve, Necia, Randi, and Ryan walked up to SuperMaxi, the local grocery store while the rest of us sang songs to each other (Laurel and Lauren), played Speed, and hung out. It was a great day!


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