Friday, July 11, 2008

Tag I'm it!

Hey everyone! My name is Lauren Hanna and if you are reading this you probably know who I am already. Zach tagged me to write about our adventures today, goes.

In the morning we woke up at a sunny, bright 6:30 AM. After breakfast, we went to a home for former street boys called Casa Gabriel. We were introduced to the ministry there and a short story about each of the boys who live and study there. The boys' stories were so inspiring and their drive to become servants and leaders for Christ was simply amazing. After a short orientations there, the boys accompanied us to our ministry site in Argelia Alta on the bus. They were so fun to hang out with! They taught us how to rap about Jesus, Salsa dance, and we all laughed until we cried.

At the church, we painted the front gate a beautiful bright pink and finished up painting the 3rd floor rooms white. With the help of the Casa G boys, we successfully left the church covered from head to toe in white Steve says "We sacrificed our clothes for Jesus." (He just seems to be full of those insightful one-liners)

We also got the oppurtunity to host the VBS again for the kids of the church. The kids were so excited to sing and memorize verses written on balloons and their joy was contagious. Although a few of our team members weren't feeling 100% physically, we all are super-charged spititually through our experiences today.

Sadly, we had to leave and come back "home", but we got to eat this amazing Ecuadorian lasagna and made us feel a little bit better. Then, we had debriefing time and had some great discussions and sharing of testimonies. We are just so excited to keep doing ministry down here and we love each and every one of you! Peace and Love. Lauren.

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