Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sittin in Columbian you do:-)

So here we are sitting in the Columbian airport!
The flight was not too took us about 7 hours, and really there was not much turbulence, so it was smooth passage.

We enjoyed a delightful meal of chicken or beef(depending on your inclination) with rice, steemed vegetables, chocolate cake, and a roll. Not a 5 star deal, but certainly better than a package of stale peanuts!

The inflight movie, was an adventure...some owen wilson film about him protecting some kids who are getting bullied( i am not really sure whether owen was proud of his accomplishment) you know you are stuck on a 7 hour airplane flight when even the most ridiculous movies, become a saving grace:-)

So now here we sit in the Columbian airport, as you look out the window you can see the green countryside, hills and all. Landing it was so beautiful as you land over the hills jam packed full of trees!

When I say airport, that may be a generous description, the room where we sit is small, there is one hall out from the room where we are restaurants, no Starbucks...Dorthy, you know the drill.

Well we have about a two hour jaunt to our final destination. Continue to pray! We love you all!

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