Saturday, July 12, 2008

Where's Steve!?!??

So today started off kinda rough when we woke up at six in the freakin' morning but it was worth it. After a quick breakfast of pan (bread) from the local panaderia (bakery) we made our way back to Argelia Alta to meet about 70 mothers and their children. Don't panic yet, it has a happy ending.

After they were loaded into three separate buses, our caravan started on a journey to the pool. First, we sang some worship songs in Spanish, followed by a rousing game of "red light, green light". While we continued to play with the ninos Zach and our translator, Pablo, talked to the Mothers and Lauren was the Lucky one who was chosen to share her testimony with them.

At about this time, it started to get a little warm (a scorching 62 degrees Fahrenheit) everyone decided to go for a dip in the unheated pool. So after everybody was done having fun and freezing off assorted body parts, we served lunch to the mothers and their kids and consumed our own. We then said our goodbyes and headed back to the hostel where we were able to recharge our batteries before heading to the mall for dinner.

We hung around the mall, wreaking havoc on innocent Ecuadorians, for about two hours. We then proceeded to walk home. We had a debriefing time which quickly deteriorated into a game of extreme apples to apples (that's a story for another time). After Zach forced us to calm down, he, Lauren, Terry and I proceeded to participate in the ancient ritual of orange eating (another story for later). Well I am going to stop now just because i am laughing to hard to concentrate anymore.

Peace out,



1 comment:

Steve DeWitt said...

i know you cant tell from the picture - but the little girl is holding on to the edge of the pool and i was teaching her how to kick her feet.